An increased focus on science, design and technology means more stringent requirements for your learning environments. It is essential that the premises include areas for experimentation, where practical experiments can be carried out, as well as a workstation for the teacher that provides a good overview.
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A completed science room raises the learning level. It provides motivation for the students when the science room is varied and encourages experiments and challenges the learning environment and the traditional subject room.
We can tailor each room to your needs and wishes - always with a focus on safety and efficiency. From single cabinets to turnkey, multifunctional specialist rooms with extraction, fume cupboards, gas, water and electricity, etc.
Furniture and fixtures for physics and chemistry
The furniture for a physics and chemistry room must be thoroughly tested and of a very good quality. Furniture and furniture must be produced to be able to handle the loads that physics and chemistry teaching exposes it to.
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